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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Creative Rampage–Unite Against Child Abuse

Child abuse has been an issue that has kept me awake several nights.

Still a “child” I can’t stand things like that. So…as both a “child” and an “artist” I thought that

I can send my own message to the rest of the world and even make other people do the same

so that all of us “grab a brick” and build a “wall” against all of them, that call themselves parents, but still show no respect

to their children. Think of it for a second. It might be the kid that lives next door whose parents abuse it. A sweet little kid with curly hair

and big eyes which are not so “bright”. They are dark and always stuck to the floor or ceiling.

All of us can help this child take a look around and enjoy his/her life. A look full of happiness and love, not cruelty and pain.


More posts coming soon about this issue.


Thank you,

             Kleon Zissimopoulos